Basketry Workshops
Previous Places and Basketry Guilds where I have Taught:
Lambtown Festival - Dixon, CA.
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts - Gatlinburg, TN.
Sonoma Community Center – Sonoma, CA.
Handcraft Studio School - El Cerrito, CA.
Marin Waldorf School - San Rafael
Bay Area Basket Makers Guild - Berkeley, CA.
BARN - Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network - Bainbridge Island, WA
National Basketry Organization - Tacoma, WA.
Three Pines Farm – Cedar Falls, IA.
Herning & Stege - DENMARK
Great Basin Basket Makers Guild - Reno, NV.
Columbia Basin Basket Makers Guild - Portland, OR.
Basketry Artisans of Arizona - Phoenix, AZ.
San Juan County Textile Guild - Friday Harbor, WA.
As well as many private workshops for groups..